David's blog

Err and err and err but less and less and less

David's blog

Err and err and err but less and less and less

Month: July 2008

Smart houses discussed in New York Times

A fun online article in the New York Times discusses the current public perception of smart houses. The gist of the article was that home automation is, despite appearances, something perfectly obtainable provided someone pays for it. And you no longer have to be either filthy rich or a geek to obtain it. There are […]

Interview: H. Michael Newman

I have just come across a short but interesting interview with H. Michael Newman, the “Father” of BACnet. The interview can be downloaded from here. Two points in particular caught my interest. One is that according to Newman, as far as standards go, BACnet is an EN standard and thus BACnet is now the “law […]

Computing sustainability and building automation

The energy demand of computers—including PCs, peripherals, and corporate data centers—produced about 830 million tons of CO2 in 2007, according to a report by the the Global eSustainability Initiative (GeSI), a group of technology firms interested in the potential impact of information and communication technologies on climate change. But they can also help us save […]

Trends in Smart Buildings Meeting, July 2008

On 4 July 2008 we held at LESO-PB the first of (hopefully) a series of meetings for people interested in home/building automation. The idea is to give people of widely different backgrounds a venue, time and opportunity to share, discuss and explore new ideas. It was my pleasure to facilitate this meeting and although I […]

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