Trends in Smart Buildings Meeting, January 2009

I just realized how late I was with a summary of our last Trends meeting, which we held on Tuesday January 27th at LESO. So here follow my distant recollections of the event.

There were only three of us this time, but David was so kind as to give us a nice demo of the IDA simulation tool. He walked us through a typical use of the software, which apparently runs only on Windows. You basically use the provided GUI to build the model of your building, but IDA can also import from CAD tools.

From this model, IDA then builds a mathematical model of your simulation. From what I understood, it generates all the equations required to simulate the model, e.g. all the thermal nodes with their U-values etc. From there on the model is ready to run.

Running the simulation on a commodity PC took about 1 minute for 30 simulated days. Apparently IDA is unable to take advantage of multi-cores, so while it was running only one core was shown as busy.

You can also implement your own logic that should run along the simulation by embedding C code inside the NMF code generated by IDA. David showed us how he implemented a fuzzy logic controller running inside of IDA, implemented in C.

I had a good impression of IDA’s capabilities, especially the extensibility part. I am however a little bit put off by the fact that it runs only on Windows and is apparently not multithreaded. But that aside I think it is a neat tool.

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WordPress shortcode for syntax highlighting

There’s a nice feature in WordPress for including source code in your blog posts, but the Codex is not crystal-clear on how to activate it.

According to this article, for example, all you have to do is to insert a shortcode tag and anything that goes inside that tag will be automatically formatted.

But when I tried that on some Java code that I recently posted, it did not work. Only after some long work did I understand that in order to enable this nice feature you must install either the SyntaxHighlighter or the SyntaxHighlighter Plus plugin. They both provide this shortcode, but SyntaxHighlighter Plus seems more advanced. That’s the one I installed, and now it works perfectly:

    that is now nicely formatted
    and highlighted!
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A unit test that Could. Not. Fail. (but did)

I am now convinced that even the most trivial pieces of code must be unit-tested.

Recently I’ve been working on a Java implementation of a building thermal model. A textbook model with thermal nodes and thermal capacities and conductances between them. This is supposed to eventually become part of a generic testing harness for home and building control algorithms. If you’re interested feel free to visit the project’s homepage.

I needed to implement thermal nodes whose temperature was given by an external schedule, e.g. read from a database of climactic data. Before I jumped in, I wanted to write a simplified node implementation whose temperature could be a simple function of time.

So I wrote a node implementation whose temperature would be a sinewave, oscillating between 20 degrees at noon and -20 degress at midnight. I defined a FunctionOfTime interface and implemented it with a SineWave class, the gist of which is shown here:

public class SineWave implements FunctionOfTime {
  private final long phase;
  private final double omega;
  private final double amplitude;
  private final double offset;

  public SineWave(double amplitude, double omega,
                  long phase, double offset) {
    this.amplitude = amplitude;
    this.phase = phase; = omega;
    this.offset = offset;

  public double getAt(Calendar time) {
    return offset + amplitude *
        Math.sin((time.getTimeInMillis() - phase) *
        2 * Math.PI / omega);

This code was extremely straightforward, but I had some time on my hands and wrote anyway a unit test for it:

public class TestSineWave extends TestCase {
  private SineWave sineWave;
  private Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();

  protected void setUp() throws Exception {
    calendar.set(2009, 0, 1, 6, 0);
    sineWave = new SineWave(20, 24*3600*1000,
               calendar.getTimeInMillis());//-20 at midnight, 0 at 6am, 20 at noon

  public void testGetAt() {
    Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
    calendar.set(2009, 4, 23, 12, 0);
    assertEquals(20, sineWave.getAt(calendar), 1e-5);

You see what this is doing? The sinewave function will oscillate between -20 and 20 degrees with a period of exactly one day, 86400000 miliseconds. Its phase is defined so that on January 1st 2009 at 6am the temperature is 0 degrees. Therefore, on any day, you expect the temperature at noon to be 20 degrees.

Now when I ran it I got this:

Tests run: 1, Failures: 1, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.025 sec
testGetAt(ch.visnet.heartbreak.TestSineWave)  Time elapsed: 0.004 sec
junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: expected:&lt;20.0> but was:&lt;19.318516902217773>
at junit.framework.Assert.failNotEquals(
at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(
at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(
at ch.visnet.heartbreak.TestSineWave.testGetAt(

I expected 20 degrees but got 19.3. It just did not make any sense. The rounding error hypothesis was easily ruled out: you just don’t make 3% rounding errors with modern implementations of the sine function. I tried with other days of the year, and always got the same result, 19.3 degrees.

The discrepancy being relatively small I was at this point very tempted just to ignore the thing, and to subconsciously blame it on some peculiarity inherent to Java’s Calendar implementations. I think I even entertained the thought that some days might have more seconds than others.

Come to think of it, this was actually not so far off the mark as it sounds. Are there days that do not have exactly 86400 seconds? The answer came instantenously when I tested for days in February: the answer came out right, 20 degrees.

Silly me. Daylight Saving Time. Of course.