Linus Torvalds thinks like a chess grandmaster


I’ve uncovered evidence that Linus Torvalds, creator of Linux, may entertain a secret hobby.

An interview of Linus Torvalds in a recent issue of IEEE Spectrum had the following passage:


I’d rather make a decision that turns out to be wrong later than waffle about possible alternatives for too long.

On the surface, this sounds like your usual admonition against analysis paralysis (Wikipedia). But what Linus said echoes something that Alexander Kotov (Wikipedia), former chess grandmaster, wrote in 1971 in his Thinking like a Grandmaster (Amazon):


Better to suffer the consequences of an oversight than suffer from foolish and panicky disorder in analysis.

If I didn’t know better I would conclude that the same person wrote these two passages.

Where all floating-point values are above average

When you just fix a programming bug quickly, you lose. You waste a previous opportunity to think and reflect on what led to this error, and to improve as a craftsman.

Some time ago, I discovered a bug. The firmware was crashing, seemingly at random. It was eventually resolved, the fix reviewed and tested, and temptation was high to just leave it at that and get on with what was next on the backlog.

This is probably how most programmers work. But it’s probably wrong. Here’s Douglas Crockford on the topic, interviewed by Scott Hanselman:

There’s a lot of Groundhog’s Day in the way that we work. One thing you can do is, every time you make a mistake, write it down. Keep a bug journal.

I wanted to give it a try. So what follows is my best recollection of how I solved the bug.

First, the observations. You cannot be a successful debugger if you are not a successful observer. My firmware wasn’t quite crashing at random. It would crash and reboot 18 times in very quick succession (less than a few minutes) following a firmware update. Once this tantrum was over it would behave normally again.

It was a new firmware version. The same firmware had been deployed on other devices, but without the same problem. So why should it happen on some devices but not all of them?

There are some useful heuristics to keep in mind when debugging. I’ve said it before, but if you don’t observe carefully and keep notes, you’re just not a good debugger. I’ve found the following heuristics useful when debugging:

  1. What changed between this release and the previous one?
  2. What is different between this environment and another where the failure doesn’t occur?
  3. Carefully go through whatever logfiles you may have. Document anything you notice.
  4. How often does the failure happen? Any discernible pattern?

In this case, the software changes introduced by this release were relatively minor and I judged it unlikely that those changes were the cause of the problem. If they were, I would expect to see the same problem on all devices.

Now when I say that something is “unlikely”, I mean of course that there must be something else that is more likely to be the real explanation. Nothing is ever unlikely by itself, and if you can remove feelings from your day-to-day work you’ll be a better engineer. But more on this in another post.

I next examined the logfiles, and noticed that the first recorded crash was not a crash. It was the normal system reboot when a new firmware was installed. The second crash was not a crash either. It was a factory reset of the system, performed by the person who updated the system to the new firmware. It’s an operation that can only be done manually, and the only crashing device was the one that had been factory-reset right after the firmware update.

So someone had logged into that device and factory-reset the system. Going through the /var/log/auth logfiles I could determine who had done it. When confronted, he confirmed that he had reset the system in order to try an improved version of our heating schedule detection algorithm.

Now there’s nothing wrong with that; but it’s well-known that bugs are more likely in the largest, most recently changed modules. The module doing heating schedule detection was relatively large, complex, and recently changed.

Now experience had shown that only two events could cause the firmware to crash and reboot:

  • a watchdog reset;
  • a failed assertion.

(A watchdog is a countdown timer that will reboot the system after a given timeout, typically of the order of the second. You’re supposed to manually reset the timer at regular intervals throughout your application. It’s meant to prevent the system from being stuck in infinite loops.)

At this point I went through the implementation of that algorithm very carefully, keeping an eye on anything that could be an infinite loop or a failed assertion. When I was done, I was fairly confident (i.e. could almost prove) that it would always terminate. But I also came across a section of code whose gist was the following:

float child[24]; // assume child[] is filled here with some floating-point values
float sum = 0;
float avg;
for (int i = 0; i < 24; i++) 
  sum += child[i];
avg = sum / 24; // compute the average of the elements of child[]

int n_above_avg = 0; // count how many elements are greater than the average
int n_below_avg = 0; // count how many elements are less than or equal to the average
for (int i = 0; i < 24; i++)
  if (child[i] <= avg)
assert(n_below_avg > 0); // at least one element must be less than or equal to the average

That was the only place where an assertion was called. Could this assertion ever fail? This code calculates the average of a set of floating-point values, and counts how many elements are less than or equal to the average (n_below_avg), and how many are greater (n_above_avg). Elementary mathematics tells you that at least one element must be less than or equal to the average.

But we’re dealing with floating-point variables here, where common-sense mathematics doesn’t always hold. Could it be that all the values were greater than their average? I asked that question on Stackoverflow. Several answers came quickly back: it is indeed perfectly possible for a set of floating-point numbers to all be above their average.


In fact, it’s easy to find such a set of numbers if they are all the same. One respondent gave a list of floating-point values that, when averaged, turned out to all be greater than their average. For example:

#include <iostream>
#include <cassert>

using namespace std;

int main() {
  int sz = 24;
  int i;
  double values[sz];
  for (i = 0; i < sz; i++) values[i] = 0.108809;
  double avg;
  for (avg = 0, i = 0; i < sz; i++) avg += values[i];
  avg /= sz;
  assert (values[0] > avg);
  return 0;

Once the root cause of the problem was identified, it was relatively easy to write a failing unit-test and implement a solution.

Well, that’s the news from the world of programming where all the floating-point values can be above average. Who said Lake Wobegon was pure fiction?

The one question not to ask at the standup meeting

What is the very first question one is supposed to answer during a standup meeting? If your answer is:

What did you do since the last standup?

then congratulations. You have given the canonical answer recommended by Mike Cohn himself. But I am now convinced that this is the wrong question to ask.

When you ask someone What did you do?, you are inviting an answer along the lines of:

I worked on X.

The problem with this answer is that depending on X, you really don’t know what the team member has achieved. Consider the following possibilities, all perfectly reasonable answers to the question:

I worked on the ABC-123 issue and it is going well.

I worked on some unit tests for this story.

I worked with [team member Y].

You simply cannot tell if any progress is being made. Sure, you can ask for clarifying questions, but this will prolong the standup. Instead, I wish to suggest a slightly different version of that first question:

What did you get done since the last standup?

Here the emphasis is on what work was completed, not on what has been “worked” on. The deliverable becomes the object of the conversation, not the activity. The answers above don’t answer the question anymore, and this is what you might instead hear:

I tested and rejected 3 hypotheses for the cause of the ABC-123 issue, but I can think of at least 2 more.

I wrote a custom function for testing object equality and converted some unit tests to use it.

I paired with [team member Y] and we […]

Ambiguity and vagueness during the standups have regularly been an issue for our own team, and I am sure we are not the only ones. If you have fallen into the habit of asking the first version of this question, consider trying the second version and let me know (in the comments below) how that works out for you.

The opinionated estimator

You have been lied to. By me.

Killian is lying to you

I taught once a programming class and introduced my students to the notion of an unbiased estimator of the variance of a population. The problem can be stated as follows: given a set of observations $(x_1, x_2, …, x_n)$, what can you say about the variance of the population from which this sample is drawn?

Classical textbooks, MathWorld, the Khan Academy, and Wikipedia all give you the formula for the so-called unbiased estimator of the population variance:

$$\hat{s}^2 = \frac{1}{n-1}\sum_{i=1}^n (x_i – \bar{x})^2$$

where $\bar{x}$ is the sample mean. The expected error of this estimator is zero:

$$E[\hat{s}^2 – \sigma^2] = 0$$

where $\sigma^2$ is the “true” population variance. Put another way, the expected value of this estimator is exactly the population variance:

$$E[\hat{s}^2] = \sigma^2$$

So far so good. The expected error is zero, therefore it’s the best estimator, right? This is what orthodox statistics (and teachers like me who don’t know better) will have you believe.

But Jaynes (Probability Theory) points out that in practical problems one does not care about the expected error of the estimated variances (or of any estimator for that matter). What matters is how accurate this estimator is, i.e. how close it is to the true variance. And this calls for an estimator that will minimise the expected squared error $E[(\hat{s}^2 – \sigma^2)^2]$. But we can also write this expected squared error as:

$$E[(\hat{s}^2 – \sigma^2)^2] = (E[\hat{s}^2] – \sigma^2)^2 + \mathrm{Var}(\hat{s}^2)$$

The expected squared error of our estimator is thus the sum of two terms: the square of the expected error, and the variance of the estimator. When following the cookbooks of orthodox statistics, only the first term is minimised and there is no guarantee that the total error is minimised.

For samples drawn from a Gaussian distribution, Jaynes shows that an estimator that minimises the total (squared) error is

$$\hat{s}^2 = \frac{1}{n+1}\sum_{i=1}^n (x_i – \bar{x})^2$$

Notice that the $n-1$ denominator has been replaced with $n+1$. In a fit of fancifulness I’ll call this an opinionated estimator. Let’s test how well this estimator performs.

First we generate 1000 random sets of 10 samples with mean 0 and variance 25:

samples <- matrix(rnorm(10000, sd = 5), ncol = 10)

For each group of 10 samples, we estimate the population variance first with the canonical $n-1$ denominator. This is what R’s built-in var function will do, according to its documentation:

unbiased <- apply(samples, MARGIN = 1, var)

Next we estimate the population variance with the $n+1$ denominator. We take a little shortcut here by multiplying the unbiased estimator by $(n-1)/(n+1)$, but it makes no difference:

opinionated <- apply(samples, MARGIN = 1, function(x) var(x) * (length(x) - 1) / (length(x) + 1))

Finally we combine everything in one convenient data frame:

estimators <- rbind(data.frame(estimator = "Unbiased", estimate = unbiased),
                    data.frame(estimator = "Opinionated", estimate = opinionated))

histogram(~ estimate | estimator, estimators,
          panel = function(...) {
            panel.abline(v = 25, col = "red", lwd = 5)

Unbiased vs Opinionated

It’s a bit hard to tell visually which one is “better”. But let’s compute the average squared error for each estimator:

aggregate(estimate ~ estimator, estimators, function(x) mean((x - 25)^2))

##     estimator estimate
## 1    Unbiased 145.1007
## 2 Opinionated 115.5074

This shows clearly that the $n+1$ denominator yields a smaller total (squared) error than the so-called unbiased $n-1$ estimator, at leat for a sample drawn from a Gaussian distribution.

So do your brain a favour and question everything I tell you. Including this post.

The SIM4Blocks project kick-off meeting

The SIM4Blocks European project held its kick-off meeting on 5 and 6 April 2016 in Stuttgart, Germany. A consortium of 17 European partners (including 3 Swiss organisations) have answered the H2020-EE-2015-2-RIA call for proposals for:

… real time optimisation of energy demand, storage and supply (including self-production when applicable) using intelligent energy management systems with the objective of reducing the difference between peak power demand and minimum night time demand, thus reducing costs and greenhouse gas emissions. …

The official, “long” title of the project is Simulation Supported Real Time Energy Management in Building Blocks. Led by the Hochschule für Technik Stuttgart, the 5.5 MEUR project will:

… develop innovative demand response (DR) services for smaller residential and commercial customers, implement and test these services in three pilot sites and transfer successful DR models to customers of project partners in further European countries. …

SIM4Blocks kick-off meeting

The kick-off meeting was held in the traditional manner: after an introduction by the coordinator, and a short (remote) intervention by our project officer, each work package leader presented their work packages, going through the tasks that were defined, clarifying questions and making sure we had a common understanding of what was to be done.

Neurobat’s part will consist in offering our online heating optimisation server in order to help the manager of a group of buildings optimise the timing of the operation of their heat pumps. The goal is to avoid excessive peak power, for example when all pumps run at the same time.

One the second day we went north to the Wüstenrot village, where a cluster of single family houses (and a couple of commercial buildings) draw their heating power from what some call an energy ring, a cold water circuit from which the heat pumps draw the heat for each building. This will be one of three pilot sites, the other two being in Spain and in Switzerland.

The Wüstenrot pilot site

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 695965. It will last four years and we are honored to have been invited to join it. We look forward to a successful collaboration with the other members of the consortium.