Working with that data scientist

In my current team we have decided to split up the work in a number of workstreams, which are in effect subteams responsible for different aspects of the product. One workstream might be responsible for product instrumentation, another for improving the recommendation algorithms, another responsible for the application’s look and feel. Each workstream has its own backlog and its own set of quarterly commitments, which map nicely to quarterly OKRs.

Workstreams aren’t necessarily disjoint: the same person might contribute to more than one work stream. Indeed for specialists (UX researchers, UI specialists, data science), that is almost the norm. As an aspiring data scientist myself, I contribute to several workstreams; I may entirely own a key result assigned to a workstream, or provide input (e.g. statistical advice, experiment sizing, etc) to another.

We don’t do daily standups, not even among the software engineers. Instead we meet twice weekly for 30 minutes and review the current plans, update the board, and make sure no one is blocked.

We’ve adopted this process early this year. The response from the team has been generally positive. Compared to a more traditional front-end vs back-end division of labour, the team has cited the following benefits:

  • tighter team cohesion
  • better understanding of what the others are working on
  • more productive team meetings
  • greater sense of accomplishments

The main drawback with this system affects those of us in a more specialized role, such as UI, UX, or Data Science, who contribute to more than one workstream. We find ourselves compelled to attend the semi-weekly meetings of all the workstreams we are involved with, and never know which ones we can safely skip. On top of this I also have a weekly Data Science sync with the product manager.

At a recent retrospective we have agreed to mitigate these issues by the following:

  • notes should be taken at all meetings, and the note-taker should remember to tag any team member who might be absent but who might need to know something important;
  • we will shorten the sync meetings to 15 minutes, and defragment them so that two workstreams could have their syncs done in the same half-hour (and sometimes the same room).

I can’t say that this is the final perfect solution to embed a data scientist in a product team but at least we have an adaptive process in place: a system to regularly iterate on our processes and give the team permission to adapt their working agreements.

Are you a specialist embedded in a product team mostly made up of software engineers? How do you interact with the rest of the team? I’d love to hear your story in the comments below.

Controlling for covariates is not the same as “slicing”

To detect small effects in experiments you need to reduce the experimental noise as much as possible. You can do it by working with larger sample sizes, but that doesn’t scale well. A far better approach consists in controlling for covariates that are correlated with your response.

I recently gave a talk at our company on the design of online experiments, and someone pointed out that our automated experiment analysis tool implemented “slicing”, that is, running separate analyses on subsets of the data. Wasn’t that the same thing as controlling for covariates?

Controlling for covariates means you include them in your statistical model. Running separate analyses means each of your sub-analyses has a smaller sample size; you may gain in precision because your response will be less variable in each subset, but you lose the benefits that come from using a larger sample size.

Let’s illustrate this with a simulation. Let’s say we wish to measure the impact of some treatment, whose effect is about 10 times smaller than the standard deviation of the error term:

mu <- 10  # some intercept
err <- 1  # standard deviation of the error
treat_effect <- 0.1  # the treatment effect to estimate

Let’s say we have a total of 1000 units in each arm of this two-sample experiment, and that they belong to 4 different equal-sized groups labeled ABC, and D:

n <- 1000

predictor <- 
    group = gl(4, n / 4, n * 2, labels = c('A', 'B', 'C', 'D')),
    treat = gl(2, n, labels = c('treat', 'control')))

Let’s simulate the response. For simplicity, let’s say that the group membership has an impact on the response equal to the treatment effect:

group_effect <- treat_effect

response <-
    mu + as.integer(group) * group_effect + (treat == 'treat') * treat_effect + rnorm(n * 2, sd = err))

df <- cbind(predictor, response)

 group       treat         response     
 A:500   treat  :1000   Min.   : 6.368  
 B:500   control:1000   1st Qu.: 9.607  
 C:500                  Median :10.335  
 D:500                  Mean   :10.325  
                        3rd Qu.:11.015  
                        Max.   :13.757  

The following plot shows how the response is distributed in each group. This is one of those instances where you need statistical models to detect effects that are hard to see in a plot:

ggplot2::ggplot(df, ggplot2::aes(x = group, y = response)) +

Fitting the full model yields the following confidence intervals:

mod_full <- lm(response ~ group + treat, df)
                    2.5 %      97.5 %
(Intercept)  10.122391874 10.32334506
groupB        0.009174272  0.26336218
groupC        0.106049411  0.36023732
groupD        0.116794148  0.37098206
treatcontrol -0.193199676 -0.01346168

All coefficients are estimated correctly, and the width of the confidence interval of the treatment effect is about 0.18. The treatment effect is statistically significant. Recall that the error is taken to have a standard deviation of 1, and that $n=1000$ per arm, so we would except the 95% confidence interval on the treatment effect to be $2 \times 1.96 \times \sigma \times \sqrt{2/n}$, or about 0.18. We are not very far off.

What happens now if, instead of controlling for the group, we “sliced” the analysis, i.e. we fit four separate models, one per group? On one hand we will have a smaller error than if we fitted a global model that did not control for the group covariate; on the other hand we will have fewer observations per group, which will hurt our confidence intervals. Let’s check:

confint(lm(response ~ treat, df, subset = group == 'A'))
                  2.5 %      97.5 %
(Intercept)  10.0482082 10.30293094
treatcontrol -0.2967421  0.06349024
confint(lm(response ~ treat, df, subset = group == 'B'))
                  2.5 %      97.5 %
(Intercept)  10.2324904 10.48601591
treatcontrol -0.3688051 -0.01026586
confint(lm(response ~ treat, df, subset = group == 'C'))
                 2.5 %      97.5 %
(Intercept)  10.303706 10.55182387
treatcontrol -0.309723  0.04116836
confint(lm(response ~ treat, df, subset = group == 'D'))
                  2.5 %      97.5 %
(Intercept)  10.4170354 10.66328177
treatcontrol -0.3825046 -0.03425957

The estimates for the treatment effect remain unbiased, but now the confidence intervals are about 0.35—or $2 \times 1.96 \times \sqrt{2/(n/4)}$, which is what you would expect for a sample size that’s four times smaller. That’s twice as large as when fitting the whole data with a model that includes the group covariate. In fact most of the groups now have statistically unsignificant results.

I’m all for automated experiment analysis tools; but when the goal is to detect small effects, I think there’s currently no substitute for a manual analysis by a trained statistician (which I am not). Increasing sample sizes can only take you so far; remember that the confidence intervals scale with $\sqrt{n}$ only. It is almost always better to search for a set of covariates correlated with the response, and include them in your statistical model. And that’s what controlling for a covariate means.