Being blocked doesn’t mean you cannot work

If you’ve been on a Scrum team for some time, you will inevitably hear someone at the stand-up say:

Today I cannot work on <some feature> because of <some reason>, but that’s all right. I’m not otherwise blocked because I can also work on <some unrelated thing>.

There are two (very human) factors at play here: 1) the desire to be seen as a productive team member, and 2) the unwillingness to deal with bad news. Admitting to being blocked can even become a taboo in some teams. Yet what is the purpose of the stand-up, if not to bring such issues out in the open?

What’s wrong with having everybody always making some kind of progress? Isn’t that indeed one of the patterns in Coplien’s Organizational Patterns of Agile Software Development? The problem is that having your work blocked while you work on something else increases the amount of work in progress, or WIP. And WIP, in a software team, is waste and costs time, effort and money. Not all work is useful; working on non-priority items, when there’s a priority item that’s not taken care of, is the worst thing you can do.

Our team discussed this point at our last retrospective. No one contested the reality of this taboo in our team, and we resolved that from now on everyone should be open about his inability to progress.

As a team member, it’s ultimately your responsibility to be on the lookout for any such pattern. It’s not the ScrumMaster’s alone. Never let a team mate hide his impediments under a carpet of busy-ness; ultimately, he, you, and the whole team will suffer.

The one question not to ask at the standup meeting

What is the very first question one is supposed to answer during a standup meeting? If your answer is:

What did you do since the last standup?

then congratulations. You have given the canonical answer recommended by Mike Cohn himself. But I am now convinced that this is the wrong question to ask.

When you ask someone What did you do?, you are inviting an answer along the lines of:

I worked on X.

The problem with this answer is that depending on X, you really don’t know what the team member has achieved. Consider the following possibilities, all perfectly reasonable answers to the question:

I worked on the ABC-123 issue and it is going well.

I worked on some unit tests for this story.

I worked with [team member Y].

You simply cannot tell if any progress is being made. Sure, you can ask for clarifying questions, but this will prolong the standup. Instead, I wish to suggest a slightly different version of that first question:

What did you get done since the last standup?

Here the emphasis is on what work was completed, not on what has been “worked” on. The deliverable becomes the object of the conversation, not the activity. The answers above don’t answer the question anymore, and this is what you might instead hear:

I tested and rejected 3 hypotheses for the cause of the ABC-123 issue, but I can think of at least 2 more.

I wrote a custom function for testing object equality and converted some unit tests to use it.

I paired with [team member Y] and we […]

Ambiguity and vagueness during the standups have regularly been an issue for our own team, and I am sure we are not the only ones. If you have fallen into the habit of asking the first version of this question, consider trying the second version and let me know (in the comments below) how that works out for you.

Going for one-week sprints: a good wrong idea

A few weeks ago, our team held a sprint retrospective (which I unfortunately couldn’t attend) during which it was decided to shorten our sprint length from two weeks to one. The team was right in their decision, but probably for the wrong reasons and here’s why I think so.

The main driver behind this decision was Neurobat’s involvement with the Aargau Heizt Schlau project: a canton-wide project to measure the efficiency of our system on 50-100 individual houses in the Aargau canton during the 2015-2016 winter. The goal is to have an independent assessment of the energy-savings potential of our product, a replication of our own peer-reviewed investigation. The project is mostly driven from a team in Brugg, with ample support from our R&D team in Meyrin.

Keeping the project on track and on schedule turned out to be extremely challenging. Very soon, urgent support requests began to come at unpredictable times, and we were having trouble keeping our sprint commitments.

The realisation that urgent, random support requests were going to be the norm for this heating season is the main reason why the team decided to experiment with one-week sprints. They have a 5-year long history of sprint retrospectives and I’m convinced they collectively understand the principles underlying the practice of timeboxed iterations. (A practice always proceeds from a principle, and can be modified only when the principle is fully understood.) A less mature team should not have made this decision and should stick with 2-week sprints; but I believe our team was mature enough to carry out this experiment.

Many teams, when they begin with Scrum, will object to the “overhead” introduced by daily standups, sprintly retrospectives and planning meetings. And since they are likely to miss their sprint commitments during the first few months, they are very likely to ask for longer sprints. Resist this temptation.

Mike Cohn tells the story of a team facing exactly this problem: good quality work but systematic overcommitments. He agreed to let the team change the sprint duration, but went against the team’s request for longer sprints. Instead, they went for shorter ones. His rationale against longer sprints is simple:

The team was already pulling too much work into a four-week sprint.
They were, in fact, probably pulling six weeks of work into each
four-week sprint. But, if they had gone to a six-week sprint, they
probably would have pulled eight or nine weeks of work into those!

So if shorter sprints are generally to be preferred over longer ones, why do I think the decision was a solution to the wrong problem? Because I believe that switching to shorter sprints will only perpetuate the root cause of the situation we are in. We decided to go for shorter sprints because urgent support requests were coming in more frequently than ever. How will switching to shorter sprints solve that problem?

I’m reminded of this quote, which I believe came from Mike Cohn’s Succeeding with Agile:

Few organizations are in industries that change so rapidly that they cannot set priorities at the start of a two-week sprint and then leave them alone. Many organizations may think they exist in that environment; they don’t.

If your organisation has trouble planning for more than a week ahead, then do your development team a favour and try, at all costs, to address the underlying problem. Your team members should not be the ones whose productivity should suffer for the lack of foresight elsewhere in the organisation.

Scrum stories that are juuuust right

On thing has been bugging me for quite some time now as I observe our team at Neurobat. Most stories on our sprint board are being worked on by one developer each, leading to daily scrums where everyone reports on work that is completely independent from that of the others.

Even though we encourage people to pair program, the fact remains that most stories are such that one person can implement them by himself, with the possible exception of testing. (We have a rule that a developer may not write the acceptance tests for his own story, much less execute them.)

That, in turn, leads to a very quiet office. We work in an open-space office where the six of us are in direct line of sight of each others. Yet for most of the time, there is very little chatter as each of us is busy with “his bit”.

Perhaps Mike Cohn summarises the issue best, in his User Stories Applied:

Most user stories should be written such that they need to be worked on by more than one person, such as a user interface designer, programmer, database engineer, and a tester. If most of your stories can be completed by a single person, you should reconsider how your stories are written. Normally, this means they need to be written at a higher level so that work from multiple individuals is included with each.

I’m not a big fan of hyperbole, but this passage was a little bit of a revelation to me. Here we had been faithfully trying hard to break up stories that were too large into tiny weeny stories that could be implemented in a couple of days or two by a motivated developer; and now I’m being told that there is such a thing as a story that is too small? Talk about being in a Goldilock-ish fix.

Very well Goldilocks er… I mean Mr Cohn, I’ll bring this up at our next retrospective and we’ll see whether our stories are really too small.

The only problem with daily scrums

Over the past five years, our team has attended more than 120 daily standup meetings, carefully following the “canonical” format and having each team member answer the usual questions:

  1. What did you do yesterday?
  2. What will you do today?
  3. Any impediments?


There seems to be one flaw with this format, however. The flaw is that you cannot say what you will do for the day before having heard if anyone else has an impediment.

For example, if Alice says her bit, announcing what she intends to do for the day and declines to mention any impediments, then when Bob’s turn comes and he mentions that he’s having some trouble and could use some help, then Alice will have to come back to what she has just said and amend her plans for the day.

In Neurobat we’ve implemented a partially debugged hack around this problem by having two standup rounds. During the first round we do the canonical standup meeting, then the ScrumMaster asks if anyone needs a second round. The goal of this second round is two-fold:

  1. To let anyone say something he may have forgotten about during the first round.
  2. To let anyone amend their plans for the day due to something they may have heard during the first round.

This solution is far from ideal, and sounds annoyingly like a two-pass compiler. But it is, for now, the best approach we have found to deal with what I perceive to be the main drawback to the canonical form of the daily scrum.

Reviewer queue

During a recent sprint retrospective we raised a problem with the way we assign code reviews. Not the formal, whole-team ones, but the regular ones we solicit for each pull request.

The problem was that we tend to select our reviewers based on various subjective criteria, including how well we like the person. I admit I am guilty of this myself. What’s more, during the discussion it became clear that my own help in reviewing code was not asked as often as it used to.

At Neurobat we currently have a rule that all pull requests must be reviewed by two other team members (one, if the pull request was paired on). To ensure these reviewers are selected fairly and without subjectivity, we have now introduced a reviewer queue: our names are listed on the main whiteboard and an arrow is drawn, showing who is next in the review queue. When a reviewer is assigned, the arrow moves to the next name.

Neurobat reviewer queue

We’ve had this in place for a couple of sprints now and the results have been very satisfying:

  • people get to review parts of the code they had never seen before
  • people are “forced” to review code written in unfamiliar languages
  • the reviews are more likely to be honest and thorough
  • the review work gets more evenly spread out among the team

An added benefit for myself is that by explicitly putting my name among the review queue, I announce my willingness to participate in the reviewing process as much as anyone else. As a result, I’ve been reviewing much more code this last couple of weeks than ever before.

If you have a problem in the selection of reviewers in your own team, do consider setting up a review queue and let me know whether that works out for you.

Not prioritising architectural needs

From Mike Cohn’s User Stories Applied, there was this little paragraph that I think many teams (including my own) tend to forget about:

Developer Responsibilities

You are responsible for providing information (sometimes including your underlying assumptions and possible alternatives) to the customer in order to help her prioritize the stories.

You are responsible for resisting the urge to prioritize infrastructural or architectural needs higher than they should be.

Indeed, on a team with technically strong members you will sometimes see proposals for stories such as:

Define our services’s API

As a developer, I want a clear and stable API so that I can develop the client-side code more effectively.

This story has all the virtues of a well-written user story: a clear title, a clear stakeholder, yet left intentionally vague to make sure that people will speak among themselves about it. Yet something is wrong here.

The problem is that the story brings value neither to the business nor to the users. It is part of a larger story; it is a task, or a TODO item, masquerading as a user story. It is a (no doubt well-intentioned) attempt at breaking down a larger story into small ones. But it doesn’t work.

It doesn’t work because once it is done, you are worse off than when you began. How is this possible? It’s possible because you now own software that is neither finished nor potentially shippable. It is by definition unfinished work, and chances are that the mass of unfinished work will only grow over time. Unfinished work is like inventory: it is waste and it costs money.

Instead, it is your responsibility to gently nudge the team towards what’s sometimes known as a Walking Skeleton, i.e. a system that implements a small functionality end-to-end. Try hard to achieve this, and be prepared against any objections the team may have. The benefits are immense, and experience has shown that the resulting system will be better designed and easier to test.