Year: 2011

homeR: an R package for building physics

For the past few weeks we’ve been very busy here at Neurobat with the analysis of field tests results. In the process of doing that, we had to implement several functions in R that relate to building physics. We thought it might be useful for the community to have access to those functions, so we […]

Saikoro game engine in Lisp

Here at Neurobat we consecrate one day per sprint as a *Lab Day*, i.e. a day when, not unlike what Google does, we are free to work on whatever we want. Today was Lab Day and I took the opportunity to brush up my Lisp skills by writing a game, inspiring myself heavily from Conrad […]

Git and Scientific Reproducibility

I firmly believe that scientists and engineers—particularly scientists, by the way—should learn about, and use, version control systems (VCS) for their work. Here is why. I’ve been a user of free VCSs for a while now, beginning with my first exposure to CVS at CERN in 2002, through my discovery of Subversion during my doctoral […]

Thou shalt save energy

I’m not sure anyone else is saying this, so I will: I think **there is a clear and unambiguous scriptural mandate to reduce our current energy consumption**. Now before you dismiss this post, this author and this blog as just another bible-thumping fanatic, remember that in certain countries, certain political parties profess strict adherence to […]

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