David's blog

Err and err and err but less and less and less

David's blog

Err and err and err but less and less and less

Month: December 2013

Review: RESTful Web Services

RESTful Web Services by Leonard Richardson My rating: 5 of 5 stars I began reading “Restful web services” while researching technical solutions for Neurobat Online, the web service version of our intelligent heating controller. Prior to this, most (all?) web service projects I had been involved in were based on SOAP. REST is a heavily […]

Pair-programming girls did just as well as boys

For the past three years I’ve taught a freshman-level programming course at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne. Students are asked to form groups of 2 and to work on a semester project, consisting in the development of a simple library of numeric routines (e.g. square root function, integrals, etc). I then submit […]

Statistically significant energy savings: how many buildings are enough?

From Neurobat’s website it is now possible to download a brochure with the 2012-2013 test results. It summarises the findings we published at the CISBAT 2013 conference, describing the energy savings that we have achieved on four experimental test sites. Of these four, one is an administrative office. Another included the (domestic) hot water in […]

Welcome back, Climate Charts & Graphs

I was happy to learn a few days ago that the Climate Charts & Graphs blog is being reactivated by its author. I used to subscribe to it back in the Google Reader days. In the current climate change conversation we need more blogs like CCG, where arguments can be conclusively settled with (preferably graphical) […]

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