David's blog

Err and err and err but less and less and less

David's blog

Err and err and err but less and less and less

Month: May 2019

Learning Gregg shorthand

This piece is a writing assignment for the Learning How To Learn online class, in which we are asked to reflect on a recent learning challenge. Shorthand—the ability to write at possibly over 200 words per minute—is a dying skill. The ubiquitous use of computers and laptops for taking notes and meeting minutes has turned […]

Notes from the “Learning How To Learn” course

“Learning How To Learn” (LHTL), an online course freely available on Coursera, teaches techniques for becoming a better learner and thinker. Given by Dr Barbara Oakley (McMaster University) and Dr Terrence Sejnowski (University of California San Diego), the course covers the latest on how the brain works and suggests practices to make the best it. […]

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