David's blog

Err and err and err but less and less and less

David's blog

Err and err and err but less and less and less

Is The Ratio of Normal Variables Normal?

In Trustworthy Online Controller Experiments I came across this quote, referring to a ratio metric $M = \frac{X}{Y}$, which states that:

Because $X$ and $Y$ are jointly bivariate normal in the limit, $M$, as the ratio of the two averages, is also normally distributed.

That’s only partially true. According to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ratio_distribution, the ratio of two uncorrelated noncentral normal variables $X = N(\mu_X, \sigma_X^2)$ and $Y = N(\mu_Y, \sigma_Y^2)$ has mean $\mu_X / \mu_Y$ and variance approximately $\frac{\mu_X^2}{\mu_Y^2}\left( \frac{\sigma_X^2}{\mu_X^2} + \frac{\sigma_Y^2}{\mu_Y^2} \right)$. The article implies that this is true when $Y$ is unlikely to assume negative values, say $\mu_Y > 3 \sigma_Y$.

As always, the best way to believe something is to see it yourself. Let’s generate some uncorrelated normal variables far from 0 and their ratio:

ux = 100
sdx = 2
uy = 50
sdy = 0.5

X <- rnorm(1000, mean = ux, sd = sdx)
Y <- rnorm(1000, mean = uy, sd = sdy)
Z <- X / Y

Their ratio looks normal enough:


Which is confirmed by a q-q plot:


What about the mean and variance?

[1] 1.998794
ux / uy
[1] 2
[1] 0.001783404
ux^2 / uy^2 * (sdx^2 / ux^2 + sdy^2 / uy^2)
[1] 0.002

Both the mean and variance are very close to their theoretical values.

But what happens now when the denominator $Y$ has a mean close to 0?

ux = 100
sdx = 2
uy = 10
sdy = 2

X <- rnorm(1000, mean = ux, sd = sdx)
Y <- rnorm(1000, mean = uy, sd = sdy)
Z <- X / Y

Hard to call the resulting ratio normally distributed:


Which is also clear with a q-q plot:


In other words, it is generally true that ratio metrics where the denominator is far from 0 will also be close enough to a normal distribution for practical purposes. But when the denominator’s mean is, say, closer than 5 sigmas from 0 that assumption breaks down.

Is The Ratio of Normal Variables Normal?

4 thoughts on “Is The Ratio of Normal Variables Normal?

  1. Interesting and also quite convincing. However, how often does one come across a ratio of two uncorrelated normal variables, especially if the denominator has a mean close to zero? Any practical solutions for the dilemma?

  2. OK… but this isn’t sufficient either. Set the denominator to a mean of 0 and SD of 0.05 or something. It will get normal again. What you’re seeing is the artifact of very large ratios that can occur when the denominator can be close to 0. But if they’re all close to 0 then it is normally distributed.

  3. Actually, to follow that up, another telling example us making the denominator round(rnorm(1000), 1) and then remove all infinite outcomes. The results becomes normal again. So, if you have values that are very small and expected to be very close to 0 and they all are which would typically be the case, then the ratio result will be normally distributed. And, if you have values that can include 0 but tend to be larger then the ratio will also be normal when values are rounded to a reasonable level and, you of course, ignore actual /0 values.

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