Home automation

Monitoring a home automation PC

Lesson learned today: always monitor a machine you intend to let run without interruptions for a long time. And that includes home automation hardware. I have described elsewhere the steps to install Debian on an embedded PC. I’m still working on this project and intend to soon install the open-source Misterhouse software on it. But […]

ZigBee’s unkept promises

The Guardian carries an interesting story about yet another alternative to ZigBee: Ultra-low Power Bluetooth. ZigBee has been touted since 2003 as a low-power, low-bandwidth wireless protocol ideally suited to home automation applications. But as the article makes clear, “we aren’t all drawing our curtains and turning on the lights with the touch of a […]

Debian installation on a Soekris embedded PC

Ubiquitous home automation will never become a reality unless cheap embedded PCs are available to be the “brains” of the home. Some time ago I came across a company called Soekris Engineering who make relatively cheap embedded PCs, like the one shown below. This little guy packs a 20Gb CompactFlash harddisk, 128 Mb RAM, and […]

OptiControl project website

Recently I got this email from Dr. Dimitrios Gyalistras of ETH Zurich: I would like to draw your attention to the newly launched website of the project Use of Weather and Occupancy Forecasts for Optimal Building Climate Control (OptiControl): http://www.sysecol.ethz.ch/OptiControl/ OptiControl is a collaborative effort by the ETH Zurich, EMPA Dübendorf, MeteoSwiss and Siemens Building […]

OSGi Community Event, Munich 26-27 June 2007

I have already mentioned elsewhere that the OSGi technology is likely to play an important part in the computerization of current and future buildings. It is a very attractive programming model for building management systems, especially with respect to its software lifecycle model (stopping, updating and restarting) that does not require a reboot of the […]

Raclette machine control with X10

This Saturday I turned on our new raclette machine at our flat from my computer. There is a fairly well-established home automation standard in the U.S. called X10, invented in 1975. It allows for the simple control of appliances, lights and other home equipment, using a communication protocol over the power lines. It has however […]

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