David's blog

Err and err and err but less and less and less

David's blog

Err and err and err but less and less and less


Article watch: Building Simulation vol 1 nr 3

Two articles from new new issue of Building Simulation sound particularly interesting: Comparing computer run time of building simulation programs, by Tianzhen Hong, Fred Buhl, Philip Haves, Stephen Selkowitz and Michael Wetter. This paper presents an approach for comparing the computer run time of building simulation programs. The computing run time of a simulation program […]

Journal of Building Performance Simulation – Volume 1 Issue 2 article watch

More papers directly relevant to the main topic of this blog: Monitoring and modelling of manually-controlled Venetian blinds in private offices: a pilot study by Vorapat Inkarojrit This study presents results from a window blind usage survey and field study that was conducted in California, USA during a period spanning from the vernal equinox to […]

Article watch: Building and Environment, December 2008

The following papers from Building and Environment Volume 43, Issue 12, December 2008 are relevant to the field of building automation and simulation. Photometry and colorimetry characterisation of materials in daylighting evaluation tools by M. Bodart, R. de Penaranda, A. Deneyer, G. Flamant. This paper presents a methodology for evaluating the photometric and colorimetric characteristics […]

Trends in Smart Buildings Meeting, August 2008

Four people again attended this second meeting, the purpose of which is to share information among people interested in home and building automation. As previously, here are photos of the group’s collective memory along with my comments. Fred told us first about a conference he had attended, organized and hosted by the Demontfort University in […]

Computing sustainability and building automation

The energy demand of computers—including PCs, peripherals, and corporate data centers—produced about 830 million tons of CO2 in 2007, according to a report by the the Global eSustainability Initiative (GeSI), a group of technology firms interested in the potential impact of information and communication technologies on climate change. But they can also help us save […]

Trends in Smart Buildings Meeting, July 2008

On 4 July 2008 we held at LESO-PB the first of (hopefully) a series of meetings for people interested in home/building automation. The idea is to give people of widely different backgrounds a venue, time and opportunity to share, discuss and explore new ideas. It was my pleasure to facilitate this meeting and although I […]

OptiControl project website

Recently I got this email from Dr. Dimitrios Gyalistras of ETH Zurich: I would like to draw your attention to the newly launched website of the project Use of Weather and Occupancy Forecasts for Optimal Building Climate Control (OptiControl): http://www.sysecol.ethz.ch/OptiControl/ OptiControl is a collaborative effort by the ETH Zurich, EMPA Dübendorf, MeteoSwiss and Siemens Building […]

Eye movement tracking of office workers

Our laboratory hosted this morning a seminar given by Sylvia Hubalek, of the Environmental Ergonomics department of the Center for Organisational and Occupational Sciences in Zurich, Switzerland. She reported on work done by herself monitoring illuminance levels at the eye and tracking eye movements as a function of type of activity and light environment. The […]

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