David's blog

Err and err and err but less and less and less

David's blog

Err and err and err but less and less and less

xkcd and Data Science

I’ve been collecting all xkcd comics related to Data Science and/or Statistics. Here they are, but if you think I’m missing any please let me know in the comments. Use at will in your data visualisations but remember to attribute. Sorted in reverse chronological order.

K-Means Clustering
Methodology Trial
Euler Diagrams
Data Point
Change in Slope
Proxy Variable
Health Data
Garbage Math
Selection Bias
Spacecraft Debris Odds Ratio
Control Group
Confounding Variables
Bayes’ Theorem
Slope Hypothesis Testing
Flawed Data
Error Types
Modified Bayes’ Theorem
Machine Learning
Linear Regression
t Distribution
Increased Risk
Log Scale
Cell Phones
Conditional Risk
xkcd and Data Science

One thought on “xkcd and Data Science

  1. Ha! Excellent!

    “Garbage x 0 = precise number” ….if garbage is finite.

    Much of my garbage code silently fills memory addresses with QNaNs/Infs et al, giving onlookers the impression I write correct code. Excellent for “i’ll email you the results after the call”type demos. Not so much for production.


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