David's blog

Err and err and err but less and less and less

David's blog

Err and err and err but less and less and less

Largest palindromic long long int that is also the product of two integers

Just to practice my C skills I’ve begun doing the Project Euler exercises in that language.

Project 4 asks what is the largest palindromic number that can be expressed as the product of two 3-digit numbers. The answer is 906609 = 993 x 913.

Just for fun I modified my program to compute the largest integer that could be represented in C on my machine as the product of two integers. After about 3.5 hours, the glorious answer came back:

999900665566009999 = 999980347 x 999920317

And for the record, here is my program:


\#define MIN 100000000LL
\#define MAX 1000000000LL

typedef unsigned long long bigint;

int is_palindrome(char* str) {
  char* n = str + strlen(str) - 1;
  while (n > str) if (*str++ != *n--) return 0;
  return 1;

int main() {
  bigint product;
  bigint a,b;
  bigint largest = 0;
  char product_str[30];
  for (a = MAX-1; a > MIN; a--) {
    if (a\*a < largest) break;
    for (b = a; b > MIN; b--) {
      product = a*b;
      if (product < largest) break;
      sprintf(product_str, "%llu", product);
      if (is_palindrome(product_str)) {
        largest = product;
        printf("%llu x %llu = %llu\n", a, b, product);
  return 0;
Largest palindromic long long int that is also the product of two integers
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