David's blog

Err and err and err but less and less and less

David's blog

Err and err and err but less and less and less

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Trends in Smart Buildings Meeting, November 2008

We met again on November 3 to discuss recent events in the field of building simulation and automation. This time we were joined by Adil Rasheed, a PhD student at LESO-PB working on the so-called “meso scale modelling of urban heat island effect.” David Daum and Antoine Guillemin were the other participants, besides yours truly. […]

The OpenRemote.org project

Recently I stumbled upon a blog entry by Marc Fleury, whom I believe is one of the lead developers on the JBoss Application Server project. In this post he describes his new pet project, OpenRemote, which has of late bloomed into a full blown affair. There’s an official website and the project seems to be […]

Monitoring a home automation PC

Lesson learned today: always monitor a machine you intend to let run without interruptions for a long time. And that includes home automation hardware. I have described elsewhere the steps to install Debian on an embedded PC. I’m still working on this project and intend to soon install the open-source Misterhouse software on it. But […]

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