5 Java logging frameworks for building automation software

Back in 2005, when I was writing Java software for an embedded home automation controller, we ran into a little unforeseen problem. The embedded virtual machine we were using implemented only the Java 1.3 API, and so did not offer any logging facilities (which only Java 1.4 started having).

We ended up using the logging implementation from the GNU Classpath project, but choosing a good logging framework in future projects will make a crucial difference for embedded applications that will run for months, if not years, unattended.

Here I recap the most popular Java logging frameworks of the day, and their relevance to the field of building automation.

Java Logging API
The default logging framework, a default implementation of which comes with the JRE. Expect this to be available on any platform that implements at least Java 1.4. A good, default choice for many applications, but very limited in its functionalities. Probably the best choice when memory and/or disk space is a critical issue.
Arguably the most popular logging framework for Java, with equivalent implementations for many other languages. Extremely flexible and easy to configure. If your application runs on a “real” machine then you would be wise to choose this framework, or the more recent Logback (see below). If you run on an embedded platform, the choice will be more difficult and require careful thought. You can also use Chainsaw, a graphical tool for parsing Log4j logfiles if they are formatted in XML, which should probably never be done on an embedded system. The development of Log4j seems, however, to be stuck on version 1.2.
Intended as the successor of Log4j, and written by the same author. I don’t have much experience with it but it’s probably a smart move to get to know it.
Jakarta Commons Logging
Not a logging framework per se, but a logging framework wrapper. Certain kinds of applications, such as libraries, should avoid any tight coupling with any particular logging framework and instead use a framework wrapper such as JCL. There will, however, be a (small) memory penalty, which should be evaluated if the application runs on an embedded platform.
The author of Logback and Log4j wrote also the Simple Logging Facade for Java, another logging framework wrapper that solves several issues and problems with JCL. I cannot see how a building automation application could be concerned with these kinds of classloading problems, but I like the idea of statically binding the wrapper with the logging framework, something which JCL did not do. Also, it sort of lazily evaluates the log strings, so you avoid the little performance hit when debugging is turned off (an important factor for embedded systems). You should probably prefer this wrapper over JCL, especially if Logback takes off and eventually replaces Log4j.

Default welcome page with Tomcat and Spring MVC

In my professional development, I felt that I had always neglected the field of web aplication development. To correct this I’ve started a little side project with Spring MVC, a web application to help a Toastmasters club’s Vice-President Education with their duties.

Between the official documentation and the Spring in Action book, I found the documentation on Spring MVC more than satisfactory.

I wanted my webapp to display a default, welcome page. And just for extra points, I wanted to use the Velocity framework instead of the default Java Server Pages.

So I defined my web.xml file thus:

  <display-name><a class="zem_slink" href="http://www.toastmasters.org/" title="Toastmasters International" rel="homepage">Toastmasters International</a> - Education Assistant</display-name>





And the Spring configuration file looks like the following:

  <bean id="velocityConfig" class="org.springframework.web.servlet.view.velocity.VelocityConfigurer">
    <property name="resourceLoaderPath" value="/WEB-INF/velocity/">
  <bean id="viewResolver" class="org.springframework.web.servlet.view.velocity.VelocityViewResolver">
    <property name="suffix" value=".vm">

  <bean id="urlMapping" class="org.springframework.web.servlet.handler.SimpleUrlHandlerMapping">
    <property name="mappings">
        <prop key="/home.htm">/home.htm</prop>

  <bean name="/home.htm" class="org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.UrlFilenameViewController">

With this setup, any URL whose filename ends with .htm should be mapped to a .vm velocity template, looked up from the WEB-INF/velocity directory. In particular, /home.htm is served based on the home.vm template.

And yet, when I point the browser to the root URL http://localhost:8080/tmi-education, I don’t see the default page. All I get is a 404 error message. Even more surprisingly, http://localhost:8080/tmi-education/home.htm works perfectly.

So why wasn’t Tomcat serving up the right welcome page? After much fiddling, and based on examples from this blog post, I finally found that you must include the following snippet in your web.xml file (at least under Apache Tomcat/6.0.18):


With this in place, the default welcome page works right.

Source code filtering with Maven

Today I searched for a Maven plugin that would filter some of my source files before compiling them. An equivalent to the resources plugin with filtering turned on, but for Java sources, that would replace occurences of, say, ${token.name} with somevalue wherever that string occurs in the source files.

I could not find such a plugin and I think I understand why. When the resources plugin processes the resources, it simply copies them from src/main/resources to target/classes, optionally filtering them. In the packaging phase, Maven simply zips up everything he finds in target/classes to the target jarfile.

But with source code you cannot simply copy the .java files to, say, target/generated after filtering them, and expect Maven to compile these filtered source files. You would have .java source files with the exact same name and same package declaration in src/main/java and in target/generated. So source file filtering cannot work in Maven unless you tell the compiler to change the directory from which to compile files. Well, I don’t have that much experience with Maven and I don’t know how to do that. I know the build-helper plugin can add a directory to the compile path, but I don’t know how to remove a directory from it.

On my project I needed to process only one single file. Let’s call it mypackage.Locator.java. I declared that class in a file named src/main/java/mypackage/_Locator.java (note the underscore). Then I configured an antrun task to copy that file over to target/generated/mypackage/Locator.java, a directory that build-helper had added to the compile path. I then told the compiler plugin to exclude all source files whose names begin with an underscore.

The most important parts of my pom.xml file look like this:



                <filter token="token.name" value="somevalue"/>
                <copy file="src/main/java/mypackage/_Locator.java"


Note that you now let Ant filter the source files, so you must use Ant-like tokens (e.g. @token.name@). This works reasonably well, but if I can make some time for it I would really like to know how to remove the default source directory from the compile path.

Spring for structure, property files for parameters

Spring is a great framework for externalizing the object graph of your application. Typically you write an XML config file that defines a number of Java objects (or “beans“) and how they are supposed to relate to each others.

For example, suppose you have a class ThermalNode whose instances need to hold a reference to, say, an instance of a TimeProvider class. The way you usually do this in vanilla Java is you define this relationship somewhere close to the program’s start:

ThermalNode node = new ThermalNode();
node.setTimeProvider(new TimeProvider());

But in Spring you define this structure outside of your main program, and the above would be written somewhat like this:

<bean class="ThermalNode">
  <property name="timeProvider" ref="timeProvider"/>
<bean id="timeProvider" class="TimeProvider"/>

And thus the structure of your object graph has been moved away from your compiled code.

Where this got really interesting for me was when I started introducing parameters for the thermal nodes, e.g. thermal capacicities. I would have for instance this sort of structure:

|  ThermalNode  |
|  capacity1    |
       \ conductance
|  ThermalNode  |
|  capacity2    |

What you then start having are beans whose properties (or constructor arguments, which is the way I prefer doing it) are not only references to other beans but also values.

Now a requirement for this project of mine is that it should be easily customizable by the end user. And that means not having the poor user coming and manually edit Spring config files.

Instead, Spring lets you define properties in plain property files, e.g.

# A property file

Then these properties are available to your main Spring config file through this kind of incantation:


And your beans can then refer to these properties like this:

<bean class="ThermalNode">
  <contructor-arg ref="timeProvider"/>
  <constructor-arg value="${capacity1}"/>

I have found this way particularly useful, namely put the structural data in the Spring config file, and put the parameter data in its properties file. Doing so not only makes it easy for the user to run the program with different parameters. It also lets you stash away the Spring config file in your application’s jarfile, putting it out of the way of the user. And that, I believe, is a very good thing, because you typically do not want to confuse the user with Spring’s syntax.

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A unit test that Could. Not. Fail. (but did)

I am now convinced that even the most trivial pieces of code must be unit-tested.

Recently I’ve been working on a Java implementation of a building thermal model. A textbook model with thermal nodes and thermal capacities and conductances between them. This is supposed to eventually become part of a generic testing harness for home and building control algorithms. If you’re interested feel free to visit the project’s homepage.

I needed to implement thermal nodes whose temperature was given by an external schedule, e.g. read from a database of climactic data. Before I jumped in, I wanted to write a simplified node implementation whose temperature could be a simple function of time.

So I wrote a node implementation whose temperature would be a sinewave, oscillating between 20 degrees at noon and -20 degress at midnight. I defined a FunctionOfTime interface and implemented it with a SineWave class, the gist of which is shown here:

public class SineWave implements FunctionOfTime {
  private final long phase;
  private final double omega;
  private final double amplitude;
  private final double offset;

  public SineWave(double amplitude, double omega,
                  long phase, double offset) {
    this.amplitude = amplitude;
    this.phase = phase;
    this.omega = omega;
    this.offset = offset;

  public double getAt(Calendar time) {
    return offset + amplitude *
        Math.sin((time.getTimeInMillis() - phase) *
        2 * Math.PI / omega);

This code was extremely straightforward, but I had some time on my hands and wrote anyway a unit test for it:

public class TestSineWave extends TestCase {
  private SineWave sineWave;
  private Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();

  protected void setUp() throws Exception {
    calendar.set(2009, 0, 1, 6, 0);
    sineWave = new SineWave(20, 24*3600*1000,
               calendar.getTimeInMillis());//-20 at midnight, 0 at 6am, 20 at noon

  public void testGetAt() {
    Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
    calendar.set(2009, 4, 23, 12, 0);
    assertEquals(20, sineWave.getAt(calendar), 1e-5);

You see what this is doing? The sinewave function will oscillate between -20 and 20 degrees with a period of exactly one day, 86400000 miliseconds. Its phase is defined so that on January 1st 2009 at 6am the temperature is 0 degrees. Therefore, on any day, you expect the temperature at noon to be 20 degrees.

Now when I ran it I got this:

Tests run: 1, Failures: 1, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.025 sec
testGetAt(ch.visnet.heartbreak.TestSineWave)  Time elapsed: 0.004 sec
junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: expected:&lt;20.0> but was:&lt;19.318516902217773>
at junit.framework.Assert.fail(Assert.java:47)
at junit.framework.Assert.failNotEquals(Assert.java:282)
at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(Assert.java:101)
at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(Assert.java:108)
at ch.visnet.heartbreak.TestSineWave.testGetAt(TestSineWave.java:23)

I expected 20 degrees but got 19.3. It just did not make any sense. The rounding error hypothesis was easily ruled out: you just don’t make 3% rounding errors with modern implementations of the sine function. I tried with other days of the year, and always got the same result, 19.3 degrees.

The discrepancy being relatively small I was at this point very tempted just to ignore the thing, and to subconsciously blame it on some peculiarity inherent to Java’s Calendar implementations. I think I even entertained the thought that some days might have more seconds than others.

Come to think of it, this was actually not so far off the mark as it sounds. Are there days that do not have exactly 86400 seconds? The answer came instantenously when I tested for days in February: the answer came out right, 20 degrees.

Silly me. Daylight Saving Time. Of course.