David's blog

Err and err and err but less and less and less

David's blog

Err and err and err but less and less and less

The OpenRemote.org project

Recently I stumbled upon a blog entry by Marc Fleury, whom I believe is one of the lead developers on the JBoss Application Server project. In this post he describes his new pet project, OpenRemote, which has of late bloomed into a full blown affair.

There’s an official website and the project seems to be buzzing with activity. From what I understood, the goal of OpenRemote is to build an open-source universal remote control for your home, including all home automation protocols known to man: X10, KNX/EIB, Lon, etc. They are talking about a reference implementation, apparently targeting the iPhone.

I think a major challenge that’s these guys will face is how to make a truly usable UI for home automation. I’ve quoted Donald Norman before and given his opinions on this thorny issue. But I truly hope the OpenRemote people will eventually solve this problem.

The OpenRemote.org project

One thought on “The OpenRemote.org project

  1. It’s time for an update on OpenRemote, see openremote.com and openremote.org. It’s a slow moving world, but the IoT seems to do it.

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