David's blog

Err and err and err but less and less and less

David's blog

Err and err and err but less and less and less

Month: April 2009

Source code filtering with Maven

Today I searched for a Maven plugin that would filter some of my source files before compiling them. An equivalent to the resources plugin with filtering turned on, but for Java sources, that would replace occurences of, say, ${token.name} with somevalue wherever that string occurs in the source files. I could not find such a […]

Ubuntu fonts problem after reboot

My screen fonts under Ubuntu are occasionally completely screwed up. They show up in blue with overstrikes: I think this happens when I reboot my machine without a second monitor being attached to it, which it usually has. I suppose X.org gets confused when it cannot find a monitor that used to be there. To […]

Strongest chess program money can (not) buy

Kinda offtopic, but I’m also an avid chessplayer, so… Crafty is recognized as one of the strongest open-source chess engines available, having once achieved a rating of 2792 on the internet chess server and having an estimated 2608 ELO rating. A default installation on Ubuntu 8.04 (e.g. aptitude install crafty and aptitude install crafty-books-medium) will […]

Don’t unit test JavaBeans

Should unit tests cover JavaBeans just to get a higher code coverage? These days I am working on a payment processing application that exposes its main interface as a SOAP web service. The API requires the client to build a wrapper object that packages the information needed for processing, for instance, a credit-card debit authorization: […]

Trends in Smart Buildings Meeting, March 2009

Several home automation enthusiasts met again at LESO-PB to discuss recent developments in the field. There were four of us this time, Adil, Friedrich, David and yours truly. Friedrich openened the discussion by telling us about his ongoing work on the influence of light, especially its color, on human health. Early results suggest that proper […]

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