David's blog

Err and err and err but less and less and less

David's blog

Err and err and err but less and less and less

Year: 2009

A unit test that Could. Not. Fail. (but did)

I am now convinced that even the most trivial pieces of code must be unit-tested. Recently I’ve been working on a Java implementation of a building thermal model. A textbook model with thermal nodes and thermal capacities and conductances between them. This is supposed to eventually become part of a generic testing harness for home […]

Canonical data formats, middleware and GCC

These days I’m working on a middleware application that bridges a company’s ERP and its warehouses. The ERP posts messages in a given XML schema, our application reads these messages, transforms them into the schema understood by the warehouse management system, and uploads onthem on the warehouse’s FTP server. We use XSLT to transform messages […]

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